
Graduating students are automatically dematriculated on the date they receive the Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree or Teaching Diploma/Certificate; no further action is required on their part.

Students who wish to withdraw from ETH Zurich before graduating have to hand in a signed Download Withdrawal form (PDF, 907 KB) at the Registrar's Office (Article 20 external page Admissions Ordinance ETH Zurich, German only).
Depending on the time of the withdrawal, the ETH card has to be enclosed - see information on the withdrawal form.

The withdrawal

  • will be processed and confirmed in writing.
  • is only possible up to the end of the fourth week of the semester without incurring costs.

Any student who

  • fails to enrol for the semester
  • fails to pay the semester fees
  • fails to respect an examination deadline or the maximum duration of studies

will be dematriculated (Article 21 external page Admissions Ordinance ETH Zurich, German only).

Other measures may also apply, e.g. prosecution for non-payment of fees.

Withdrawal or dematriculation does not exempt students from the consequences of failure to respect programme deadlines (including deadlines for registering/deregistering for examinations and for sitting, e.g., the first-year examinations). Said consequences may involve, for example, exclusion from the degree programme or limitations on programme choice upon re-entry.

Further information in connection with leaving or exmatriculation - e.g. access to the ASVZ, availability of services etc. - can be found in the publication 'Download Leaving ETH: Important information (PDF, 178 KB)' by the IT Services.

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