Doctoral thesis

Formal aspects to consider before you start to write your doctoral thesis.

The Download doctoral thesis title page (PDF, 128 KB) must comply with the requirements of Appendix 2 of the Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the Ordinance on  Doctoral Studies.

The doctoral thesis must include an abstract in one official Swiss language and in English, plus a CV. For data security reasons, the CV may be omitted from the electronic version. You can find the required elements of the doctoral thesis on "Appendix 2 – Design of the doctoral thesis", p. 16 in the Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate.

Make sure your quotes and references are correct when using paragraphs, images, charts, etc. from other works, whether word-for-word or giving the gist of them. See also Download “Citation etiquette” – the information sheet on plagiarism (PDF, 67 KB)

For copyright reasons, paragraphs, images, charts, etc. from other works may only be used if the quotation serves as an explanation, a reference or illustration, and the extent of the quotation is justified for that purpose (Art. 251 Copyright Law). In all other cases you must obtain authorisation from the owner of the right of reproduction.

Title and content of the doctoral thesis may not be changed after the decision of the Department Conference!
(Rector's Implementation Provisions for the Ordinance on Doctoral Studies ETH Zurich Clause 12).

The copyrights to a doctoral thesis are held solely by the author, i.e. the doctoral candidate. This does not apply to ETH Zurich, which has the non-exclusive right to publish the doctoral thesis for non-profit purposes. It may send summaries or copies of the doctoral thesis to scientific and public institutions. (Ordinance on Doctoral Studies  ETH Zurich Art. 53 ).

Upon delivery of the electronic version of the doctoral thesis, ETH Zurich receives the right to make it publicly accessible and to take archiving measures. In contracts with third parties, such as research contracts, or in the case of interests of the parties involved that are worthy of protection, namely in the case of planned patent applications and ongoing follow-up applications to research funding institutions, publication may not be unduly delayed and may not be excluded under any circumstances. Publication may only be excluded if there are legal restrictions to the contrary (Ordinance on Doctoral Studies ETH Zurich Art. 48 para. 2).

The author or the doctoral candidate may transfer the rights of use to his/her work in part or in full to third parties (e.g. to a publisher). A complete transfer of the rights of use is not recommended. It is recommended to contractually secure a limited right for oneself (e.g. to make and pass on copies, to distribute the work electronically, etc.).

(Rector's Implementation Provisions for the Ordinance on Doctoral Studies ETH Zurich Clause 11.2).

Published manuscripts or manuscripts submitted for publication may be included in the doctoral thesis - brought together by a suitable framework text with introduction and summary - if the examination committee can assess the independent scientific contribution of the doctoral candidate on this basis and if the text of the doctoral thesis is written in only one language. Appendices in other languages are possible.

The decision whether to write a monograph or a cumulative doctoral thesis is made by the doctoral students with the consent of their supervisor.

The doctoral thesis must be written in a consistent style.
A succession of already-published articles in the various layouts of the respective publishers is not permitted.

In the case of publications that are the result of collaboration between several doctoral students and are therefore to be included in several doctoral theses, the individual authors' own contribution must be clearly recognisable and declared accordingly. In addition, such a publication must clearly fit into the main topic of the doctoral thesis.

According to the Open Access Policy of ETH Zurich, appropriate copyrights and rights for further use must be ensured when using published articles. Furthermore, the guidelines for integrity in research and good scientific practice at ETH Zurich apply.

Please note the following points before printing the thesis:

  1. Before printing the doctoral thesis, the author must clarify the possibilities for further use granted by the respective publisher and their conditions. These are part of the publishing contracts or can also be found in the so-called external page Sherpa-Romeo list. The ETH library also provides its own list of publishers' policies regarding the integration of articles in dissertations.
  2. It is advisable to check as a matter of priority whether other rights or contractual agreements (e.g. with the SNSF or other funding bodies) are affected.
  3. The use of the preprint (unrefereed author's manuscript) is usually problem-free.
  4. At most, the publisher requires that certain declarations be made.
  5. In the case of co-authorships, the consent of all co-authors must be obtained for further dissemination.
  6. With regard to archiving, making available for loan and further use of both the print and the electronic version of dissertations, the ETH library relies on the above points being observed and clarified as a matter of priority (Research Collection Manual).
  7. If a dissertation does not meet these requirements, this may have consequences for the author.
  8. If electronic publication in the Research Collection is not possible for copyright reasons related to a publisher's publication, the author can be exempted from the electronic publication requirement for a limited period of time. The abstract will be published in any case.
  9. If you have any questions about copyright or publication rights relating to your (cumulative) dissertation, please contact the Research Collection directly ().

Please check if cumulative doctoral theses are allowed in your department. Follow the guidelines of your department.

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