How to go Open Access

60 min
  • 03.12.2024, 12:00 - 13:00
Online course
  • Stricker,?Marius  ()
  • ETH-Bibliothek,?Information  ()
free of costs
  • Open-access publishing: how, when, where?
  • Publishing contract and author's rights
  • Funding opportunities
  • Open-access guidelines of the research funders (and how you cope with them)

At the end of the course you are able to

  • grasp the scientific publishing landscape,
  • understand the Open Access policies of universities and research funders (SNSF, EU, ETH),
  • apply for open access funding from ETH and research funders,
  • retain your author’s rights during the publication process
  • grant usage licenses for your scientific publications according to your needs,
  • use the most important tools that are helpful for open access publishing.

Members of ETH Zurich:

  • Doctoral students
  • Scientific staff
  • Technical and administrative staff

via Zoom

Access to and participation in our courses will be barrier-free. Please contact us in advance at +41 44 632 21 35 or at so that we can optimally meet your needs.

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