Media work


Media Relations team

ETH Zurich
Coporate Communications
R?mistrasse 101
8092 Zurich

Ensuring that your research topics get media coverage will make them more accessible to the public at large. The media give priority to reporting research projects that are of social relevance or relate to areas that are the subject of current debate – particularly when they find out about them early enough.

Are you or someone in your group currently working on a project that could be of interest to the media? Or has a journalist contacted you about taking part in an interview or issuing a statement on a particular subject? 

Get in touch with Media Relations, who would be pleased to assist you and advise you about how to deal with the media.


Media Relations are there to advise any ETH members who have been contacted for comments by media representatives. We can provide you with assistance on all aspects of media work, help you prepare for an interview and attend the interview with you if necessary. We can also provide you with tips about what type of active media work would be the most effective for your needs (e.g. press release or story placement).

Guidelines for media relations  

What do you as a member of ETH need to be aware of when dealing with the media? Our guidelines for media relations summarise the most important points you need to bear in mind.

What makes a topic suitable for a press release? Download Here is a list of the most important criteria and information. (PDF, 96 KB)

Courses offered by the Communication Academy

Basics of Science Communication offers doctoral students, postdocs and professors a compact introduction to key themes of science communication and media work.

Media Training for Professors provides participants with everything they need to know about dealing with media representatives.

Weekly media review

Subscribe to the weekly media digest to find out how ETH has been reported in the media.

 You can also find a selection of international media reports at ETH in the media

Information for media representatives

Here you can find press releases, background information on individual projects and image material for ETH Zurich.

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