Past events

The kick-off and first event took place on Tuesday, 10 December 2019 at the ETH Zentrum.

We let it shake and visited the earthquake simulator. From our network for our network: we were able to put our network of contacts to good use. Thanks to Leandra Eberle, Swiss Seismological Service (SED) and OK IT-Women@ETH.

  • Introduction by Dr Maren Boese, seismologist
  • Earthquake simulator with Stefanie Zeller-Cadetg
  • networking lunch beforehand
  • on Thursday, 4 July 2024

Online course ")

  • Speaker Corinne Brecher, business economist and mother of two, works every day to ensure that women in particular talk more openly and frequently about money.
  • on Tuesday, 25 June from 15:30-17:00
  • Women should take care of their own money: Only 1 in 5 women are interested in finances. At the same time, 8 out of 10 women regret in old age that they didn't take care of it earlier.

Contents of the presentation:

  • The Swiss pension system: which influencing factors put a strain on pension provision and how men and women can find gaps in their pension provision and close them in the long term.
  • Independent wealth accumulation: Why saving is no longer an option, the investment strategy of the house banks should be treated with caution and what independent alternatives there are to make money work for you.
  • Bonus content exclusively for ETH:
    • How the IT sector is shaping the stock and fund market
    • What to consider when investing in tech stocks and tech funds
    • Tip from Corinne on how to add tech stocks to your investment portfolio

external page #IamRemarkable is a Google initiative that encourages women and other underrepre?sen?ted groups to celebrate their achievements, not just in the workplace. At the same time, the initiative boldly takes a stand against society's reluctance to self-promote. The move?ment also invites all of us to take pride in our accomplishments and carry them from ourselves to the world. Because we are remarkable and have every reason to show it.

  • Regular own "#IamRemarkable-Online"
  • 14 September 2023, at Google, Hürlimann Areal (in German)
  • 15 March 2023, at Google, Hürlimann Areal (in English)

Even at our first speed networking session, we realised what an exciting and inspiring way it is to make new contacts within the IT-Women@ETH network and build relationships with colleagues*. The exchange with the IT Training Lab offered more "women in IT", and as many had never been to Octavo before, there was an exclusive tour.

  • Speed networking, Octavo guided tour, vocational training exchange and aperitif
  • Tuesday, 7 March 2023 at Octavo

An exciting exchange of information on the importance and details of the export control compliance programme, raising awareness of compliance with export control regulations, providing education and training opportunities, communicating guidelines and procedures on how to behave in relation to export controls and also highlighting consequences for ETH Zurich in the event of non-compliance.

  • e.g. on travelling abroad to meetings, conferences with own laptop etc.
  • by Silvia Nast, ETH Financial Services Department
  • Thursday, 29 September 2022, 3.30 pm-4.30 pm

Through our collaboration with the D-INFK during the Informatiktage, we were able to convince Prof Dr Dennis Komm to introduce Python to our network. Python is characterised by a clear and readable syntax that makes it easy for beginners to learn programming. This makes Python a great language to learn the basics of coding. Python can be used in many different application areas, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, game development and much more. The broad applicability of Python makes it a valuable skill for various professional fields.

  • Introduction to programming with Python (course for beginners with no prior knowledge)
  • by Prof. Dr. Dennis Komm
  • Tuesday, 12 July 2022 from 2-5 p.m.

From our network for our network: The focus was on raising awareness of IT security and knowledge transfer with experience and findings from ETH, as well as understanding and applying classifications and data protection:

  • by Anja Harder, Chief IT Security Officer (CITSO) of IT Services and Kathrin Noack, Information Security Awareness, Chief Information Security Office, ETH General Secretariat
  • Thursday, 31 March 2022, 12.30-14 p.m.

The workshop was previously offered to female students at ETH. Our network got in touch and received a programme that is not only aimed at beginners, but also at professional women*. The event was designed to help support the women* in our network in their professional development, address existing gender inequalities in the workplace and enable us to realise our professional goals and dreams. This also included raising awareness of the gender pay gap, developing negotiation skills, encouraging networking, achieving a work-life balance, empowerment, self-confidence and sharing success stories.

  • in collaboration with Helena Trachsel, Head of the Equality Office, Canton of Zurich and long-time global Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Manager in the private sector and Hanna Wolf, ETH Diversity (formerly Equal)
  • Friday, 4 March 2022, 12-13.45 p.m.

The ETH Library, the central university library and knowledge hub of ETH Zurich, is the largest public scientific and technical library in Switzerland. The training covered: getting started in the ETH library, overview of the user account, how to borrow, subject areas, media types, IT journals, electronic media, e-books, special services for ETH members, tool loans (drill & co) and business & private loans.

  • with two short presentations by 2 ETH Library women from our network: Madeleine V?llmin, ETH Library, Corporate Services, Digital Business Solutions and Lisa Ott, ETH Library, Innovation, Marketing & Communities, Innovation & Networking
  • Tuesday, 13 July 2021, 15.30-17.30/18h
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