Food4Thought: learn more about sustainable nutrition

Numerous exhibitors will be at the Food4Thought fair in early April to present the diversity and deliciousness of sustainable food. You can visit the three-day event to learn more about vertical herb gardens, plant-based meat alternatives and sustainable gastronomy. The fair kicks off an awareness campaign orchestrated by ETH Zurich as part of the federal government’s Exemplary Energy and Climate initiative.

Food4Thought logo: a green fork and a carrot on a yellow background

The Food4Thought trade fair will be held from 3 to 5 April on H?nggerberg campus. The event focuses on climate-friendly nutrition: visitors can get inspired by ETH spin-offs, start-ups and student projects and learn about practical concepts and real-life products that can help them eat in a more climate- and environmentally-friendly way.

The 17 stands at Food4Thought offer activities such as tastings to get acquainted with new kinds of food and workshops for producing your own products. Researchers at the lunchtime “Meet the Scientist” event will share insights into ongoing projects dedicated to climate-friendly food. You can also learn more about student products and what is already being done on the ETH campus to make sustainable nutrition a reality.


There will be three interactive workshops for visitors:

The external page ZwingliPilz workshop teaches participants how to grow delicious gourmet mushrooms from waste that contains cellulose.

At the external page Greenioty workshop, you can build a small system for cultivating your own microgreens at home.


Visit the external page ACKR workshop to learn how to preserve vegetables by canning and fermenting them at home.

You can find more details on dates and times on the event website. Please note that it is required to register for workshops in advance.

Awareness campaign kicks off

The Food4Thought trade fair will be held on 3 April as part of Treffpunkt Science City  and will continue on 4 and 5 April (Monday/Tuesday). The event kicks off the awareness campaign that ETH is launching as part of the Swiss federal government’s Exemplary Energy and Climate initiative (see box).

The Exemplary Energy and Climate initiative

Logo VBE: Kreis mit unterschiedlich farbigen Abschnitten

The external page Exemplary Energy and Climate initiative requires ETH to raise awareness in its community about ecological issues between 2021 and 2030. The participation of ETH Zurich is mandatory due to being part of the ETH Domain, and a different topic is chosen to focus on every year. The idea is to acquaint members of the ETH community with initiatives and projects that are being implemented at the university.

The launch of the awareness campaign was delayed by one year due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is now scheduled to start this year. Sustainable nutrition is the topic in the spotlight for 2022, making the Food4Thought fair the perfect venue for kicking off the campaign.

The Exemplary Energy and Climate initiative is part of the federal government’s external page Energy Strategy 2050. It is aimed at the most important Swiss public service providers who want to promote innovation and serve as an example when it comes to environmental issues.

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