New President of the University Assembly

The ETH Zurich University Assembly has a new president: Physicist Werner Wegscheider is to take over the position from computer scientist Peter Widmayer.

Solid states physicist Werner Wegscheider, shown here during an undergraduate lecture on the Hönggerberg campus, is the new President of the University Assembly. (Image: ETH Zurich / Alessandro Della Bella)
Solid states physicist Werner Wegscheider, shown here during an undergraduate lecture on the H?nggerberg campus, is the new President of the University Assembly. (Photo: ETH Zurich / Alessandro Della Bella)

Werner Wegscheider, Professor of Solid State Physics and Deputy Head of the Laboratory for Solid State Physics at ETH Zurich (D-PHYS) is the new President of the ETH Zurich University Assembly (UA). He has already represented the interests of ETH lecturers as a member of the Lecturers' Conference (KdL).

"I am looking forward to the new role and to making a contribution to ETH Zurich's continued development," says Werner Wegscheider. The physicist will begin his tenure at the plenary meeting on 2 June 2016 after being elected to the post by the UA members in April 2016.

He follows in the footsteps of Peter Widmayer, Professor of Theoretical Computer Science (D-INFK), who has headed the UA since August 2012. Under Widmayer's presidency, the UA focussed on the review and further development of the new salary system (NLS), professional job references for lecturers and employees, fair tuition fees and scholarships for students, and further cultivating collaboration at ETH Zurich.

Peter Widmayer led the UA with focus and prudence, effectively juggling the interests of both the Executive Board and the various university groups. The UA has elected Jrène Müller-Gantenbein, Assistant to the Chair of Mathematical and Physical Geodesy (D-BAUG, cf. box) and Vice President of the Staff Commission (PeKo), as Wegscheider's Vice President. She succeeds Julia Wysling from the Association of Students (VSETH).

The University Assembly unites representatives from the university's four groups: professors, mid-level faculty, other employees and students. The UA's core activities include constructive criticism of Executive Board and ETH Board leadership and input into university policy.


The BBC Click episode featuring Markus Rothacher, Professor at the Chair of Mathematical and Physical Geodesy, and the nano-satellite mission CubETH will air this weekend on BBC World News. 

It is possible to watch BBC World News on the basic UPC Cablecom or Swisscom channels.  It will be aired in Europe at least 4 times:

Saturday, 30 April 2016
5.30hrs / 8.30hrs / 21.30hrs

Sunday, 1 May 2016

The episode will also be aired around the world. See this external page link to the BBC World News schedule for Saturday, 30 April in Europe.

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