Parenthood at ETH Zurich

“Becoming a scientist is not difficult, simultaneously being a parent, however, very.”
Adapted from Wilhelm Busch

It is important to address life-balance and reconciliation of different areas of life – whether it is a caregiving responsibility or another commitment – early on. Out of our experience, we recommend considering the following key points:

  • Plan your career, not your parenthood (or absence). Define your goal and think of options (Don’t forget to include your partner!). Parenthood is only a (short) phase of your career.
  • Include your partner in your planning – ideally already early-on. Checklists and suggestions can be found on the external page website of Fachstelle UND (German only).
  • Discuss your career- and family plans openly with your supervisor, if possible, when starting your job. This allows to determine your supervisors position towards reconciliation and avoid future problems. Record possible agreements in writing (for example in an e-mail, in which you confirm agreements)! 
  • Be aware that stereotypes exist which define ?what the norm is like?. Whether it concerns a mother who wants to work or a father who wants to work part time. Decide which stereotypes you could be confronted with (Watch out: stereotypes can affect oneself as well!).
  • Clarify both your and your partner's options of flexible working such as working from home or mobile working. Here you find the information sheet on ?flexible working? by ETH Zurich.
  • Catch up on the regulations on parental leave. ETH Zurich offers the possibility of flexibly dividing the parental leave, in case both parents are employed at ETH Zurich. For further information, see the leaflet on parenthood by ETH Zurich.

Financial support for for extraordinary childcare during conference visits etc.

Since 2016 ETH offers Robert Gnehm Grants for 10-15 doctoral or post-doctoral researchers per year. Doctoral students, postdocs and tech.-admin. staff with children of pre-school age are financially supported with up to 1,500 Swiss francs if they present their research results at an important conference, have a short research stay, go on a business trip or further training and thereby incur additional childcare costs. More information on how to apply can be found on the Robert Gnehm grant website.

Counselling support to reconcile work, studies and family life

ETH Zurich offers free coaching and advice to help employees and students balance their work, family life and studies. Parents with children or relatives requiring care can benefit from up to two coaching or counselling cycles at the Fachstelle UND (Competence center for reconciliation of work and family/private life). More information

Events for (expectant) parents

ETH Diversity regularly offers various events and workshops for (expectant) parents at ETH Zurich. Current dates can be found on our events and news page.


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