ISC – Info + Service Center

The buildings at ETH Zurich are divided into nine building areas. The Info + Service Centre staff in your building area are there to support you.

Building Area Information

Which Info + Service Center should I contact? Please enter the short name of the building to show area, building and room number of the ISC.


Key management
We are happy to help with questions related to keys: we organise issuing or returning keys, the procedure for lost keys, ordering keys, day access keys, etc.

Electronic access and card validation
Do you need to validate your ETH card, or do you need entry to a building using your ETH card? The ISC will help.

Lost and Found
Have you lost or found something? They will help you at the nearest ISC.

Lending multimedia material
Any multimedia material you have ordered can be collected from and returned to the ISC.

Reporting faults
Have you detected an infrastructural fault in an ETH building? You can report this either via the reporting portal or at the ISC.


Services in the Main Building HG/MM: ISC HG
Other ISC locations at Zentrum campus: ISC ET   ISC ML   ISC UN

Contact details of the building areas Zentrum campus: