Contract of employment

When you are employed by ETH Zurich, an individual employment contract is drawn up and signed by you (the employee) and ETH Zurich.

This employment contract sets out the details of your employment, such as your function, the start and end of your employment, your workload, your salary, information on insurance, and the rights and obligations of the employee and employer.

The subpages are mainly oriented to doctoral and post-doctoral students. Further information on employment and salary for all other employees.

Contract of employment content

Important key terms are explained here:

Articles 1 and 2 - Terms of the contract

Employment at ETH Zurich is either permanent or non-permanent, depending on the terms of your employment contract. Doctoral students, postdocs and scientific assistants are hired on a non-permanent employment contract, which may be extended up to six years.

Article 3 - Probation period

The first three months of employment are generally regarded as a probation period. This is defined in the contract of employment.

Article 6 - Duties

Your area of responsibility is defined by your supervisor in consultation with you. The activities are set out in a job description.

Article 7 - Function

Human Resources determines your function and assigns you to a function level (years 1-3).

Article 8 - Level of employment

Your salary is paid out on a pro rata basis according to your level of employment.

Article 9 - Salary and allowances

Human Resources is responsible for determining salaries. Doctoral students, postdocs and scientific assistants receive a fixed-rate salary, which is paid out in 12 monthly instalments. Find out more about the salary.

ETH Zurich employees with dependent minors or children in education receive a family allowance in accordance with Federal Law on Family Allowances.

Article 11 - Occupational pensions

If the term of your contract is longer than three months and your salary is CHF 21,150 or higher, you will be insured with PUBLICA under the standard pension plan. PUBLICA is the second tier of the three-tiered pension scheme (see also 2nd tier of the pension scheme).

Article 12 - Accident insurance

If you work eight hours or more per week (at least 19.4% out of a 41-hours week), you will be insured against occupational and non-occupational accidents with the Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA). If you work less than 19.4%, you will only be covered for occupational accidents and must take out non-occupational accident coverage with your private health insurance. To find out more, read the section on accident insurance.

Period of notice

Non-permanent employment contracts run out at the end of the fixed term, without a period of notice, unless otherwise agreed or an extension has been arranged before the expiry of the fixed term. The contract may be terminated early by mutual agreement between the employee and the responsible supervisor. To be legally binding, an early contract termination must be signed off by Human Resources.

Work permit

Employees from abroad must have a residence and work permit. Employment contracts, when required, are only legally valid with the authorisation from the cantonal immigration and labour market authorities. To find out more and what to do before arriving in Switzerland.

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