
ETH Zurich's approach to sustainability is anchored in its university strategy and encompasses ecological, social and economic dimensions alike. ETH Zurich is convinced that universities not only have a great opportunity, but also a responsibility to society to develop innovative solutions for the challenges faced by humanity.

Climate neutrality of university operations is a shared responsibility of all ETH members and an opportunity to help shape, experience and position ETH as a pioneer for decarbonisation and sustainability. We have been implementing climate protection and energy efficiency measures at our university since the early 2000s and have driven forward the reduction of greenhouse gases in our own operations with projects and initiatives.

We are now making the transition from voluntary action to more commitment. The message is: "All for zero 2030".

"ETH Net Zero" programme 2024-2030

ETH has formulated its climate targets and defined the path to climate neutrality. With the "ETH Net Zero" programme, key milestones on the reduction path will be achieved in the years up to 2030 and a proactive course will be set for the challenges beyond 2030.

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Air travel project

Initiated in 2017, the ETH air travel project motivates members to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions from business air travel by around 50% until 2030 in a participatory, fact-based and solution-oriented process.

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Research at ETH has a considerable impact on the environment. GreenLabs aims to make laboratory operations more resource-efficient and to connect researchers at ETH.

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Sustainable gastronomy

Nachhaltige Gastronomie Mezze-Platte

ETH supports the development of a sustainable menu and catering offer on campus that is based on climate-friendly nutrition, resource conservation and an ethical and socially just food value chain.

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By providing knowledge, innovation and scientifically sound solutions, universities contribute to the development and achievement of the 17 sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda adopted by the United Nations in 2015. Equally important is the role of universities in the education of leaders and experts who take responsibility for sustainable development.

We make the many processes and contributions from research, teaching, knowledge transfer and the ETH campus visible and incorporate them into the discourse in our national and international networks and the dialogue with the public. The ETH Annual Report provides an exemplary overview of current developments, findings and solutions and categorises the content according to the 17 sustainability goals.

Public lecture series SDGs in Context

Logo der SDG Ringvorlesung "The Sustainable Development Goals in Context"

The public lecture series "Sustainable Development Goals in Context" offers insights into current research and implementation. The format: A professor from ETH gives a lecture, which is supplemented by an expert from practice (administration, private sector, civil society, politics). Students and guests contribute with questions and comments.

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Sustainable and inclusive events

Titelseite des Guides für nachhaltige Events an der ETH

With the development of a standard for sustainable and inclusive events, organisers of ETH events are supported in contributing to ETH's climate goals and sustainability efforts. The current guides include measures on environmental aspects, diversity and accessibility.

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Sustainable Zurich at a glance

Ausschnitt aus der Nachhaltigen Landkarte Zürich

The Sustainable Zurich Map provides an overview of sustainability-related offers in Zurich and specifically on the ETH campus. This includes shopping facilities, activities, associations, specialist centres and much more.

Download Download the map (6th edition, August 2023) (PDF, 2.8 MB)

Open Your Eyes Photo Festival 2023

Foto des Open Your Eyes Fotofestivals 2023, Ausstellung auf der ETH Polyterasse

ETH Zurich participated as a scientific partner in the first Open Your Eyes photo festival in Zurich. The unique open-air exhibition focussed on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and combined world-class photography with world-class science.

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Upcoming Events

This section contains events and contributions (co-)organised by ETH Sustainability. All events at ETH can be found here.

Sustainability is institutionally anchored at ETH with specialised professorships, interdisciplinary competence centres and organisational units and committees that cover the spectrum from cutting-edge research and strategy to corporate sustainability. Due to the many tasks and approaches in the three dimensions of sustainability, there are also many "bottom-up" initiatives, groups and associations at ETH. They are an expression of a lively commitment for sustainability. An active, well-networked sustainability community can rise to the challenges and work together to promote transformation and solutions.

Research and teaching in the field of sustainability

Through its research and teaching, ETH provides scientific and technical expertise as well as specialists for sustainable development.

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Sustainability Community at ETH

Sustainability thrives on initiative and creativity. There are various opportunities for anyone at ETH who wants to work towards greater sustainability. And more are being launched all the time. The sustainability initiatives at ETH present themselves once a year in November at the ETH Sustainability Summit.

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ETH Sustainability

Teamfoto ETH Sustainability

ETH Sustainability leads, coordinates, and managemes sustainability activities at ETH Zurich. It fosters a culture of sustainability in ETH Zurich itself and with society.

More information and external page LinkedIn ETH Sustainability

ETH monitors the progress of its own sustainability endeavours and continuously collects data and generates statistics. A selection is published annually in ETH's integrated annual report. Since 2022, there are no longer separate reports on sustainability and diversity. To complete the picture, ETH Sustainability and ETH Diversity provide broader thematic information and report on data series in line with standard sustainability reporting.

Sustainability statistics with a focus on the ecological dimension

Detail of a bar chart representing data.

The presentations published here focus primarily on the ecological dimension of sustainability. Statistics are shown on greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, photovoltaic power generation, mobility, resource and waste management, catering and laboratory operations.

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Equality Monitoring

At least once a year, ETH provides information on the situation of equality and diversity at ETH as a whole and in the various departments of the university within the framework of so-called Equality Monitoring.

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On campus, ETH lives and promotes the principles of sustainable development in relation to social, ecological and economic aspects. Increasingly, the campus is also being made available as a real-world laboratory or living lab for collaborations between research and campus operations as well as for student engagement and project-based learning.


The broad spectrum of people from different backgrounds makes ETH Zurich a unique place to work and study. For life on campus, this diversity brings considerable added value. Where people of different ages, genders, cultures or religions come together, the result is far more than just a collection of individuals, but an environment rich in perspectives and opinions. While this is generally beneficial, diversity can also create challenges, tensions and even conflict.

As an employer and university, ETH Zurich emphasizes that any form of discrimination will not be tolerated. Although the university promotes an environment in which living together brings added value for all, it operates a number of services, helplines and offices that serve as points of contact in cases of threats and violence, sexual harassment, bullying or other misconduct.

More information and Living Respect

Energy and Anergy

The growing number of students and employees as well as the increased demands on the teaching and research infrastructure are largely responsible for ETH Zurich's energy requirements. For a university that is clearly committed to sustainability, this growing demand is a challenge. Based on its "Energy Concept" adopted in 2013 and in close cooperation with all relevant units and decision-?making bodies, ETH Zurich is continuously working to optimize its energy consumption. More information and Energy Saving 


ETH Shuttle Bus

ETH Zurich is not only one of the largest universities in Switzerland, but also one of the major employers in the Zurich area. More than 30,000 students and employees commute to, from, and between the various campuses and sites of the university on a daily basis. As 75% use public transport, the emissions associated with their commutes are rather modest. Emissions from business travel, of which almost 95% is attributable to air travel, on the other hand, cause approximately 12% of ETH Zurich's total reported CO2 footprint. More information


Der Flora-Ruchat-Roncati-Garten auf dem 菲律宾sunbet下载_申慱sunbet现金网-【官方网站】 Hönggerberg

The H?nggerberg campus in particular is predestined for the promotion of biodiversity due to its location outside the city centre. Extensively managed meadows, standing water, green roofs and wild hedges already provide shelter and food for various species. ETH is committed to protecting flora and fauna and is implementing measures that benefit wild bees, amphibians, bats, birds and other species. More information


Sustainable Finance

Sustainability is one of the core principles of ETH Zurich's financial management and strategy. It underpins the long-?term vision of, on the one hand, financing ETH's research and teaching today and in the future and, on the other hand, investing its assets sustainably according to ESG criteria (environment, social, governance). Both aspects are of equal importance.

This website is curated by ETH Sustainability. Suggestions for additions and updates are always welcome: .


Office of the President
ETH Sustainability
Weinbergstrasse 41
8092 Zurich

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