Show Your Project in India

Student teams are invited to represent ETH Zurich in India at the Techfest and Techkriti -  the annual science and technology student festivals of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai and Kanpur.  The costs for the trip and the accommodation are covered by ETH Global and sponsors.

Student teams to represent ETH Zurich in India

Enlarged view: Indian colours

external page Techfest and external page Techkriti are the annual science and technology student festivals of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai and Kanpur. At each of them, an ETH team of two Bachelor and/or Master students has the opportunity to present their project in the exhibition space. The costs for the trip and the accommodation are covered by ETH Global and sponsors.

Eligibility criteria

  • You are a team of two students with an exciting project.
  • Your project
    • must have been developed during your studies at ETH Zurich (e.g. semester project, thesis project, focus project)
    • can be attractively demonstrated in the exhibit
    • is easily transportable
  • You are motivated to travel to India and to act as an ambassador of ETH Zurich.

Call for projects

To apply for Techfest at IIT Bombay (2 - 4 January 2015), please send a motivation letter, a one-page description of your project (with pictures), and how it could be exhibited by e-mail to .

Application deadline: 31 October 2014.

The team "Battle of the SeaSons" of the ETH Game Programming Lab will represent ETH Zurich at Techkriti'15 (19 - 22 March).

Reports from previous festivals are available on request. Please contact .

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