Professur für Earth Surface Dynamics*

The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ( at ETH Zurich invites applications for the above-mentioned position.

The successful candidate is expected to create and oversee an innovative research programme directed at topics closely related to process geomorphology, planetary-scale feedbacks in critical zone science, and/or tectonic-climate interactions. The future professor will combine an array of approaches, including field measurements, laboratory analytical approaches, remote sensing technology and numerical simulations at scales ranging from the laboratory to the large field scale. The facilities for cosmogenic isotope analysis at the ETH Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics provide an outstanding resource which the successful candidate may choose to employ.

A strong analytical background is expected. She or he is a leading scientist with a proven record of innovative research. The new professor and her/his research group will be expected to contribute to introductory and advanced courses in geomorphology and sedimentology, including associated field excursions. The Swiss Alps and foreland provide outstanding venues for field teaching and student projects. In general, at ETH Zurich undergraduate level courses are taught in German or English and graduate level courses are taught in English.

ETH Zurich is an equal opportunity and family-friendly employer, values diversity, and is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples.

Please apply online

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of future research and teaching interests, a description of the leadership philosophy, a description of the three most important achievements**, and a certificate of the highest degree. The letter of application should be addressed to the President of ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. Jo?l Mesot. The closing date for applications is 31 May 2024.

*Die Berufungskommission hat ihre T?tigkeit bereits aufgenommen, Bewerbungen k?nnen grunds?tzlich nachgereicht werden.

**Die ETH Zürich legt Wert auf eine qualitative Bewertung akademischer Leistungen. In diesem Sinne sind Sie gebeten, eine kurze Beschreibung Ihrer drei wichtigsten Errungenschaften den Unterlagen beizufügen (maximal je eine halbe Seite). Dies k?nnen neben Forschungsergebnissen auch besondere Leistungen in der Lehre und deren Weiterentwicklung, Dienstleistungen zugunsten der akademischen Gemeinschaft oder der Gesellschaft, Softwareentwicklungen, Patente, Wissens-????????? und Praxistransfer, Spin-?????????offs und dergleichen sein.

Bitte beachten Sie: Alle Unterlagen sind in Englisch einzureichen.

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